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PITTSBURGH Dental Sleep Medicine NETWORK

FALL Back to Sleep!

Heather Glaser • Nov 04, 2023

Learn How the Daylight Saving Time Change Can Affect Your Health!

Did you know that just a one-hour Daylight Savings Time (DST) change can be disruptive to your health?

You may think altering your morning ritual by 15 or 30 minutes is not a big deal but just try adjusting it for a whole hour! When we set clocks forward or backward for DST it can have quite an effect on our internal clocks and drastically alter how our bodies feel throughout the days following the change.  


Daylight Saving Time is the yearly practice of setting clocks forward one hour between the months of March and November. The idea behind DST is to conserve – or “save” – natural light, since spring, summer, and early fall days typically get dark later in the evening compared to late fall and winter days. The non-DST period between November and March is known as Standard Time.


Daylight saving can easily throw off your sleep cycle, also known as your circadian rhythm. Your circadian rhythm is your body's natural cycle, which is comprised of the physical, mental, and behavioral changes that exist in a 24-hour period. A disruption in this rhythm, even if it’s a mere 60 minutes, can have a significant, negative effect on your body’s biological clock.


The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults try to get an average of eight hours of sleep per night and that making sleep a priority can have long-term effects on quality of life. The ideal amount of sleep can vary from person to person, so they emphasize that it’s important to understand what your needs are based on individual behavior, like your activity level and overall health.


According to the author Matthew Walker, Ph.D., in his New York Times bestseller “Why We Sleep”, routinely sleeping less than six or seven hours a night has a direct and adverse effect on your overall health. Destructive results from poor sleep hygiene include: 

  • Destroys your immune system
  • More than doubles your risk of cancer
  • Disrupts blood sugar levels
  • Causes hormonal imbalance
  • Increases the chance of cardiovascular disease, congestive heart failure, and stroke
  • May lead to psychiatric conditions such as depression, anxiety, and suicidality
  • Can cause weight gain
  • Decreases life span


During DST, having a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea or Insomnia can have a more dramatic effect on the time-change transition and leave you feeling discombobulated!
Sleep apnea is a common disorder characterized by frequent nighttime breathing disruptions, snoring, and daytime fatigue. It often goes undiagnosed and can cause significant health problems such as stroke, diabetes, heart disease, mood disorder, and even potentially cancer. 


There are several types of sleep apnea, but the most common is called Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). This occurs when the muscles in your throat relax so much during sleep that they obstruct your airway. Your body responds by gasping for air, a process that disrupts your sleep.


At Pittsburgh Dental Sleep Medicine, our sleep dentists recommend that people who suffer from sleep disorders take the necessary extra steps to train their bodies for better sleep leading up to DST.



The practice of DST adjustment only happens twice each year, but there are a few ways that you can make the change less invasive. These suggestions can also be implemented year-round to establish a consistent, healthy sleep routine:
Establish a bedtime routine. Be consistent with your sleep schedule to help regulate your body's internal clock.

  • Avoid highly stimulating activities before bed (screen time). Focus on a relaxing activity like listening to music or reading a book.
  • Eliminate caffeine and heavy meals late in the day.
  • Avoid naps if you have trouble sleeping. If you must nap, take one earlier in the day.
  • Daily exercise helps reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Avoid alcohol before bed. Alcohol can induce a state of relaxation and drowsiness and reduce the time it takes to fall asleep. However, research shows that alcohol has a profound effect on sleep and sleep quality.


The treatment path for your sleep disorder depends on your overall health and the severity of your sleep apnea. In cases where an underlying medical condition might be to blame, treating that condition is often the first step.


A common breathing therapy treatment that can help resolve issues related to sleep apnea and other breathing conditions is Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP). There are several types of CPAP devices, but all work to direct a flow of air into your airway, helping your body get the oxygen it needs to thrive. 


When CPAP is not an option, or you prefer a different approach, doctors who specialize in sleep dentistry, like those at Pennsylvania Dental Sleep Medicine, offer oral appliance therapy as an excellent alternative to CPAP. When a custom-fabricated device is worn in your mouth while you sleep it is designed to help keep your airway open by adjusting the position of your lower jaw. Oral appliances are noninvasive and nonintrusive, offering a custom fit, are comfortable to wear, and are convenient for traveling!

While we may not be able to change the fact that Daylight Saving Time occurs, at Pennsylvania Dental Sleep Medicine, our Sleep Dentist, Dr. Becky Fox, can do something about treating your sleep apnea and snoring. Our doctors are specially trained to help find a solution for your fatigue and sleepless nights. 


Contact us today to learn if you are a candidate for oral appliance therapy. We have four convenient locations in Wexford, McMurray, Latrobe, and Monroeville Pennsylvania. Oral Appliance Therapy for Sleep Apnea is covered by most medical insurance plans.


2. Walker, PhD, Matthew. Why We Sleep. New York, NY, Sion & Schuster, Inc., 2017. Print

7.  American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM)AASM sets standards and promotes excellence in sleep medicine health care, education, and research.View Source 

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